Wednesday 8 April 2015

Book Reviewed

I have been living in Great Britain since 1992. During my visit to India, I got an opportunity to go through “The Easiest way to learn English”. It really appeases my thirst for a deep knowledge of English which I have always experienced in my career as a free-lance journalist. Comparatively, it impressed me truly for its comprehensiveness. That is why I am inspired to review this book.
The grammar given in this book is, actually, a general grammar which is complete in all respects, whereas a text-book contains a limited grammar related to a single class. This grammar is presented serially and logically. The learner follows what he/she learns. She/He can make a self-study without any external help. Such elementary things have been discussed in this book that are not generally observed in other grammar books. Everything is simple and explicit. Moreover, complexity has been removed.
As far as pronunciation is concerned, I find that there is a little difference among the ways of spoken English in Scotland, England and Ireland. I paid a visit to Canada and America where I noticed the pronunciation of English is somewhat different from that of Britain. This book may help you to learn how to speak English. However, you are advised to watch English programmes and movies in television to improve your pronunciation of English.
Although most of the people visiting Britain qualify IELTS, yet they don’t have good command over English. Therefore I think one should study “The Easiest way to learn English” before intending to appear in IELTS. Qualifying IELTS is not learning English. In fact, IELTS is a testing technique rather than a learning method. A good command on English grammar is vital to learn English. This book meets the requirement properly. I strongly recommend this book for this purpose.
It is praiseworthy that the Author Vikram S. Basaati improved his book in the recent edition as expected.
- Sukhi Samundari (UK)
Book-reviewer & Free-lance Journalist

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